Rabbi’s Reflections

by Rabbi Toba August

Shabbat Shalom!

I love Lev Eisha! And I love sharing this holy, inspiring time with each of you. The music, prayers, songs, teachings, schmoozing, and friendships. It is all here at Lev Eisha!

Over the last 26 years, Lev Eisha has held monthly services as well as extra activities such as exciting fundraisers and meaningful retreatsWith Cindy’s music supported by Robin, Sharon, Joy, Ruth, Karen, and others, we

·     felt uplifted
·     sang the prayers and songs with all our hearts and souls
·     danced in the aisles
·     sometimes shed tears, and
·     found healing for our broken hearts, which were then filled with hope and joy.

I know my teachings have opened your souls and minds. People have frequently insisted that when I taught, it was as if messages were directed at each of you personally – exactly what you needed to hear. This is one of the most meaningful compliments a rabbi could ever receive.

Our leadership at Lev has kept us going all these many years. Our presidents and committed board members helped to create programs, raise money, pivot with COVID, and ensure that we are still here today!

And lastly, Lev Eisha still exists because each of you wants it to. Your support financially and emotionally has given us one last year.

June 7, 2025 will be our last Lev Eisha service. Our funds have run out, membership is down and the board has agreed we have reached the end of a long, fruitful, inspiring, wonderful run.

Please continue to support Lev Eisha by your attendance, sponsoring a Kiddush luncheon and via other donations. Finances will be tight, but we look forward to enjoying all the remaining services in 2025February, March, May and June.

Thank You! Todah Rabbah – For everything!

Baruch HaTov V’Hamaiteev – Blessed is the One who is Good and who Creates Good!

Todah La’El – Thanks be to God!

With profound humility and gratitude, I thank God, Shechinah, Chai Olamim, for Lev Eisha and for being your rabbi.

Rabbi Toba August

President’s Message

by Carol Wispe Burns

Dear Lev Family,

The Lev Eisha Board is excited to welcome you to a new year with uplifting ideas to celebrate our 25th year. We look forward to continuing to engage in Lev Eisha’s spiritual and soulful Shabbat journey with you and hope you will be inspired by the new ideas as they unfold each month.

To continue to offer another year of our unique style of opening hearts and souls at each service, your MEMBERSHIP and generous DONATIONS are more important than ever. We thought you should know that making Lev come alive for you has increased to $4000 per month, including rental, staff fees and insurance. With your help, we will continue to offer pre-service teachings and a kiddush following services.

In September, we will honor Rabbi August and enhance our service with stories from The Braid, an international Jewish story-telling company. Please consider a generous donation to honor Rabbi August and to sustain us for another inspiring year.

Carol Burns
President, Lev Eisha