The writer Steve Goodier told the following story in his last blog:
Our family enjoys a beautiful indoor potted plant that has been with us for over three decades. It has accompanied us through tough years and good times. It has lived with us in six different communities. Some days I think it may live forever, but it once died.
The plant did well for about twenty years, but then began to sag and discolor. We watered it. We fed it. We coddled it. We even talked to it. But leaves and branches drooped lower each day as its life slowly ebbed away. We finally plucked a few half-dead leaves, re-rooted them in a jar of water and planted them in a small pot. The new small plant grew strong and healthy. But the original finally died. When we dug it out of its ceramic pot we could see why – its roots were a tangle of knots. They had grown so massive they threatened to burst the sides of the pot that held them in. Our once-beautiful plant died because it outgrew its environment – it became root-bound.
Goodier continues and explains that people, too, can become root-bound. We actually discover this condition when we are committed to personal growth and make changes that lead to greater fulfillment and happiness. We realize we have outgrown our habits and routines, we were root-bound and now we need a bigger or different pot!
People interested in change and personal development need larger and larger environments in which to live. Their views expand. Their perspectives broaden. Their interests change. They seek bigger challenges. And they need people in their lives who will make room for their growth.
When I understood what Steve Goodier was teaching, I realized that this description is what the holiday of SHAVU’OT is all about! The ancient Israelites were ‘root bound’ in their narrow perception of slavery and stagnation in Egypt. Receiving the Torah was a broadening of dreams and visions of a different future. Accepting God’s covenant was a way to affirm that they were ready and willing to grow into the people they were meant to be.
Too often we are comfortable in our old pots, and after all, they did serve us for many years. But perhaps it is time to cut away some branches, to prune or find another pot. In what ways can this Shavuot be a time of letting go of ideas, feelings, and stagnation that do not serve us? How can we make room to receive a new perspective on the Torah of our lives?
Steve Goodier concludes by quoting Bob Dylan: “He who is not busy being born is busy dying.” Goodier said: My plant was busy dying. If your new-found growth causes you to push against the old ways, you may need to realize you are bigger now and accommodate those changes. It’s not uncommon to become root-bound. It happens when you’re busy being born. It just means it’s time for a new pot.
Chag Sameach! May we enjoy a healthy and invigorating holiday of Shavu’ot!