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November Notes from Lev Eisha (2014)

By November 11, 2014January 11th, 2015No Comments

A joyous community of Jewish women engaged in 
prayer, study and spiritual growth   

November 2014

We Are Grateful for Lev Eisha

November is time for Thanksgiving…and how do we recognize what we are thankful for? The very nature of the national holiday reflects what is most necessary in our lives. No, not eating, but being with each other at the table! 


This month is the time for knowing that belonging to Lev Eisha is what we are so grateful for, and our feast is the monthly service which keeps on giving us our connection to each other and to ourselves


The rabbi’s article in this issue of the Newsletter tells us that scientific studies support the idea of belonging to a religious prayer service. It is good for our health and well being. So do something good for yourself – join us on Saturday, November 1 at 8:15 for a light breakfast and teaching by Rabbi August. Using the new book by Rabbi Art Green, Judaism’s 10 Best Ideas, we will explore the
question in his second essay: “What are we doing here?”  The essay is the second
idea of B’tzelem Elohim – We are all created in God’s image.  Join the  conversation and meet your friends at breakfast at Lev Eisha.

The breakfast teaching is immediately followed by Shabbat services let by Rabbi  August and Cantorial Soloist Cindy Paley. Torah readings are from Lekh Lekha from the book of Genesis.

Our breakfast sponsor this month is Sandy Terranova in honor of the birthday of her husband, Roland, and their 36th wedding anniversary. Be sure to stay for a kiddush luncheon, sponsored by Annie Siegel in honor of the birthday of her sister, Joanie Siegel, by Sherrill Kushner, in honor of Susie Yure´s birthday, and by Susie Yure´in honor of Sherrill Kushner’s birthday. 

Sponsoring kiddush and/or study breakfasts at Lev Eisha is a wonderful way to celebrate special events in your life. We are looking for sponsors – please contact Lynn, our Catering Chair, to sign up.

In This Issue
November Donations
Dancing With My Soul
Message from Rabbi August
SOVA Drive
Map & Directions
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We Are Grateful for Our New and Renewing Members

Shirley Belinfante, Farla Binder, Judy Blake, Bernice Brown, Levi Buckholtz, Suzanne Buckholtz, Pearl Councelbaum, Norma Garber, Melanie Gutterman, Lois Hamlish, Gail Heim, Sandy Luboviski, Batya Malick, Debra Michels, Cathy Novak, Toby Schwartz, Ellie Sherman-Quinn, Nancy Weiss, Susie Yure´, Holly Zucker



DUES 2014-15
If you haven’t renewed your membership, there is no better time than now! Please help support the services you love and enjoy each month. Choose your level of membership and receive a gift at every level above Miriam.

Miriam $90 
Rachel $136 
Leah $180   
Sarah $360  
Hallelujah! $500  
You can renew or join online HERE.


2014-15 Calendar

Services: 9:30 a.m.  12:00 p.m.

Breakfast & Study at 8:15 a.m. – 9:25 a.m.

Kiddush immediately following services


Please note:  breakfast will be available at 8:15 am.    

Rabbbi’s teaching to start promptly at 8:30 am. 


 Nov. 1                    

Breakfast & Brucha, followed by Shabbat Services 

 Dec. 6   

 Breakfast & Brucha, followed by Shabbat Services

 Jan. 3
 Shabbat Services

 Feb. 7
 Breakfast & Brucha, followed by Shabbat Services

 March 7 Shabbat Services

 March 8 (Sunday)
 Lev Eisha Fundraiser

 No service in April, as the first Shabbat of the month is the second Passover seder and the second Shabbat of the month is the last day of Passover and Yizkor

 May 2
 Breakfast & Brucha, followed by Shabbat Services

 June 6
 Shabbat Services


November Donations
Your donations are so important to Lev Eisha.   Thank you to the following donors this month:

  • Shirley Belinfante
  • Batya Malick
  • Norma Garber dedicated two bookplates “in memory of the Freeman Family.”

Dancing With My Soul 

Formerly called “the Wagner Weekend,” Dancing With My Soul is a weekend retreat for women to explore their soul through Shabbat, mind and body connections, prayer, dance, song, discussions, nature and camaraderie.

When and where does this magical weekend happen?

January 23-25, 2015, on the beautiful campus of Brandeis-Bardin in Simi Valley.

Cost is $300/person double occupancy; $425/person single occupancy.

Invite your friends, sisters, mothers and daughters to share this uplifting experience.  We must have a group of 60 to go forward.

For more information and to RSVP, please contact Linda Zweig at 805-518-1818 or  Flyers will be available on the Community Table at services on Nov. 1.  Linda will also be at the November service to give you more details about this exciting opportunity. If you already have a reservation form, please fill it out now and bring it to services on Nov. 1. 

Photography Joy Krauthammer


Science Says: Religion is Good for Our Health and Well Being
by Rabbi August 

Did you know there are personal “fringe benefits” to your affiliation with Lev Eisha? According to an article in this month’s

Atlantic Magazine, “religious people report more satisfaction with their love lives, and regular attendance at a house of worship has been associated with ‘lower rates of smoking and drinking, a greater tendency to exercise and improved cardiovascular health’.”* 


Citing scientific studies, including “Religion and Spirituality: Linkages to Physical Health,”** the writers state that when we attend regular temple or church services, we are engaged in quiet reflection and experience positive emotions. There are opportunities to observe and model hopeful and compassionate behaviors, and moral support is offered for such virtues as forgiveness, “which are highly conducive to living a healthy lifestyle.”


Besides extensive research on the influence that belonging to a supportive, community can have on our lives, there are also your own anecdotal accounts.

Lev Eisha is an evocative service! We share great highs with laughter, dancing and great joy. We also share challenging moments of tears, sadness and recognition of loss and pain. There is always a hug and a shoulder to cry on. Most importantly, we are there to connect and just knowing we are not alone also supports a healthy lifestyle. We were told last month by a woman joining us for the first time, that Lev Eisha is a “well kept secret.” Well, the secret is out.


Participating in a Lev Eisha service allows each of us to begin the month with open hearts and positive attitudes. We all need this, and it is a gift we give one another. Lastly, the study cited evidence which suggests that for healthy people, attendance at services can “protect against death.”  


What is this conclusion based on? The authors found that regular church/temple attendance may “encourage meaningful social roles that provide a sense of self-worth and purpose through the act of helping. Helping others appears to bolster feelings of personal control and to lower feelings of depression. Volunteerism…has been shown to reduce mortality.”


My dear women of Lev Eisha: know that we are here for one another sharing each others’ joys and sorrows. Participate monthly in our amazing Lev Eisha experience! It’s good for your body, good for your “lev/heart” and good for your soul!


*Nov 2014, The Atlantic p. 32: “Keeping the Faith”

**American Psychologist, Jan. 2003


SOVA to Receive Lev Eisha Love
by Lydia Freych

“SOVA” is Hebrew for “eat and be satisfied. ” As we conduct our fourth annual SOVA Drive, we again have the opportunity to help the SOVA food pantry through Jewish Family Services.  SOVA provides free groceries to over 12,000 individuals each month.  The mission of SOVA is to ensure that no one is forced to go to bed hungry because he or she lacks access to a healthy meal.


How can we of Lev Eisha help?  


1.  When we come together for services on December 6th, please bring your bagged donations.  The foods can be kosher or non-kosher.  As you prepare your bags of food, remember to toss items that have passed their expiration dates, and be sure that no donation is packed in glass.  Especially needed items: soup, peanut butter, boxes of pasta, canned fruits and vegetables, canned meat and tuna, and whole grain cereals.


2.  Toiletry items are needed.  Suggested items are bars of soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoo, and deodorant.


3.  Monetary gifts actually go further than food donations, because SOVA can buy in bulk at significant discounts.  For every $1 you are able to donate, SOVA can buy $5 worth of groceries!  You can access SOVA online at HERE. Follow the website to a donation page.


 As our mission statement says, we are “a joyous community,” and we understand the joy of giving.  When you arrive for Shabbat services on December 6th we will assist you with your bags. With our effort, it is our hope that this holiday season be fulfilling for all.  Thank you so much. 



Mazel Tov to the following November Birthdays:

Carole Easton, Deena Goldenberg Gordon, Sherrill Kushner, Debra Michels, Susie Yure´ and everyone who has a November birthday.


If you have a milestone to share, please send it to Rose Ziff at

Birthdays, weddings, graduations, Bat or Bar Mitzvot, births, special awards/honors, and exotic vacations are some of the simchas that are fun to share with our community. 

This is also the place to ask our community to join you in prayers of healing for those who are ill or in memory of those who have passed away. Our newsletter is usually published the Monday before each service.

Map & Directions  
Lev Eisha Shabbat Services are held at Vista Del Mar  
3200 Motor Ave., Los Angeles 90034
Click on the map for directions.

Welcome to Lev Eisha, a spiritual prayer service by and for women.  B’ruchot Ha’baot – we invite you to join us with great blessing.  We provide a joyous environment with opportunities for soulful prayer, energetic song and dance, deep Jewish study, and meditation.  Each person, in their own way, finds what they need for their personal and spiritual growth at Lev Eisha.


What makes our community so unique? The answer is reflected in our name. “Lev” means heart, and “Eisha” means woman.  When women come together with open hearts, we figuratively hold each others’ hearts in profound acceptance, understanding and love.


Join us and support Lev Eisha. By attending you are giving yourself the greatest gift; time for yourself, a “spiritual fix” to keep you balanced and centered for the month. Lev Eisha will transform your Jewish soul.
Lev Eisha | 10736 Jefferson Blvd. #706 | Culver City | CA | 90230

